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Glam Rocker!
Had an amazing time making this fabulous rocker costume for Ryk Goddard! How great does he look? #costume #sewing #wig #makeup #drag

Jessica's Wedding Dress
Had such a wonderful time working on Jessica's lovely dress! How gorgeous is she? Feeling more and more confident making wedding...

Sonja's Wedding Dress
It was such a pleasure making this colourful, modern wedding ensemble for the oh so stunning Sonja. Keep an eye out in wedding...
Limbs - Final Product
Lauren Valentine's debut music video has been released! Isn't she gorgeous? It's so wonderful seeing my costumes on film! #sewing #makeup...

Mel's Wedding Dress Update
I finally have some pics to show you of Mel's lovely wedding! I made this dress in January 2015. Mel was very happy with her dress and...

Errol Awards 2014
Last night I won an award at the inaugural Errol Awards in Tasmania. I won 'Best Design for Community Musical Theatre' for my design of...

'Limbs' Music Video
They filmed the 'Limbs' music video on Sunday! Here is a sneaky behind the scenes pic of my costumes! More to come soon! #costume #film...

Hello Dolly!
I'm soon to start making my Hello Dolly gown for my VCA 'Launch' installation at the end of the year (thought I'd get in early to save...

'Limbs' Music Video
Currently designing the costumes for Lauren Valentine's debut music video 'Limbs'. I'm having such a great time and can't wait to see my...

Wedding Dress
I just finished making my first wedding dress! While it's not a show it was such a huge undertaking in it's self and I'm looking forward...
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